​Prove your skills.






Lodowa Arena in Tomaszow Mazowiecki

st. Strzelecka 24/26,

97-200 Tomaszow Mazowiecki

The only such NINJA track in Poland.

Challenge him and prove your skills.

Participants cover the track in pairs, starting with one of the rivals. Only technique, muscle strength and a strong head decide whether you will be able to complete the track.


Individual competitions

Ahead of you is a challenge divided into 3 stages: eliminations, semi-finals and the grand final.

Finishing in the top 70 entrants with the best times or furthest finish gives you a pass to the second stage.

Finishing the semi-final in the top 30 participants - the opportunity to test yourself in the final skirmish.

At Tier I (Eliminary) you have 2 chances to face the track. If you fall off an obstacle in the qualifying round or overcome it in a non-regulatory way - you can approach the obstacle once again. In the semi-finals you also have the opportunity to correct the obstacle 1 time, but there is only one attempt to complete the course. In the finals, you only have one attempt per obstacle and one attempt at the track.

Eliminations - 2 approaches to the track, 2 attempts to each obstacle.

Semi-final - 1 approach to the track, 2 attempts to each obstacle.

Final - 1 approach to the track, 1 approach to each obstacle.

People from 14 years of age can take part in the competition.

At each stage you start with one of the rivals, but ATTENTION!

The rivals of the pair do not eliminate each other. The time to cover the track decides about the transition to the next stage and it is compared with all competitors of a given gender. So it may happen that both people from a given pair go on, or none, or only one.

If you want to start with a friend in a pair, be sure to sign up for the same day and the same time and let us know by e-mail about the joint start at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (for technical reasons, a joint start is only possible with a person of the same sex).


SEMI-FINAL Number of places: 70

FINAL Number of seats: 30

The number of places in individual stages will be divided between women and men in accordance with the share of registered Participants of a given gender in the total number of all registered Participants. The detailed division of places will be announced on the eve of the competition. The number of Participants registered online will be used to calculate the proportion, and the calculated numbers will be rounded to an even number.


Relay competitions

Relay teams compete in 2 stages: eliminations and finals (the track is the same in both stages). The team participating in the relay must consist of 3 people, including at least 1 woman (there may be more women). Each member of the relay team overcomes a selected part of the track consisting of two consecutive obstacles. Competitors may freely exchange parts of the track that they will cover in subsequent approaches to the track.

There is only one classification for relays. Half of the teams with the best time, which will start in the qualifying rounds, enter the finals. In order to run the relay competition, min. 6 teams.

Eliminations: 2 obstacle attempts, 1 track approach

Finals: 1 obstacle attempt, 1 track attempt

All time limits for completing the course will be set and announced on the day of the competition.


01.09 FRIDAY

17.00 – 20.00 Individual Eliminations


10.00 – 16.00 Individual Eliminations

17.00 – 19.00 Eliminations and RELAY Finals

03.09 SUNDAY

9.00 – 15.00 Individual Eliminations

15.30 Individual Semi-Finals

18.00 Individual Finals


individual prices

PLN 299 for the first 3 days

PLN 319 until June 30, 2023,

PLN 339 from July 1, 2023 to July 14, 2023,

PLN 359 from 15/07/2023 to 31/07/2023

PLN 379 from August 1, 2023 to August 16, 2023

PLN 399 from August 17, 2023 to August 31, 2023

PLN 439 on the day of the competition

Relay prices (for 3 people, the package includes the start and participation in the competition, no gadget)

PLN 239 for the first 3 days

PLN 269 until June 30, 2023,

PLN 299 from July 1, 2023 to July 14, 2023,

PLN 329 from July 15, 2023 to July 31, 2023

PLN 359 from August 1, 2023 to August 16, 2023

PLN 389 from August 17, 2023 to August 31, 2023

PLN 419 on the day of the competition

Online registration lasts until August 31, 2023.
